Website Design

Does your business need a new look for 2024?  We can take your website presence to the next level!

amcMobile Responsive Website Design

The heart and soul of an online marketing campaign begins with the actual website.  An easy-to-navigate website design increases the chances that a new website visitor will convert to an actual lead inquiry.  Businesses are serious about using their website to generate new business should choose Gemini Computer Systems, as our team has many years of experience in designing websites that are built to convert website visitors into new clients!

It is also important that your business website is mobile responsive in order to ensure that the website is viewable on most modern day mobile devices.  Mobile responsive essentially means that the website is custom coded to adjust itself automatically according to the size of the screen that is viewing it.  No longer are you required to have a website for desktop + another standalone website for mobile.  Using today’s technology, one website displays well on both desktop and mobile.  Google is also looking for this type of code, so it is an important component of search engine optimization.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO can be defined as the process of taking your website higher in the search engine results for desired keyword phrases.  SEO is the foundation of an excellent web presence. Higher rankings in the Google search engine results = improved chances of receiving traffic from targeted industry related keyword(s).  Many other companies selling SEO tend to misrepresent SEO, either on purpose or due to lack of sales representative education.

On-page Optimization (Step #1)

This type of SEO is when enhancements are made to the website code so that the major search engines can more easily index your website content.

Off-page Optimization (Step #2)

This type of SEO is meant to turbocharge your search engine rankings! During an off-page search optimization plan, keyword credibility and relevancy is increased for your website by leveraging the power of other credible and relevant websites on the Internet.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM/Pay Per Click)

This type of marketing can be a game changer for a small to medium sized business.  We refer to it as “online lead generation on steroids!”

Our custom tailored search engine marketing strategies have proven to drastically increase new lead generation opportunities for businesses that wish to be aggressive with their online marketing plan.  These campaigns are built to have a strong return on investment (ROI).

Please contact Gemini Computer Systems at 815-227-5800 for more information.